The Nested Womb

Rebirthing a conscious society through soil & soul
Don't fear the light within. May it ignite the sacred flame in your soul.
paulo coelho
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"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience."
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
"Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion."
"You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop."
"Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you"

Birth differences as expressions of the collective unconscious 

One of the biggest questions you might have a someone born with a birth difference or a parent or family member, is 'why?'  And you or your parents may have done everything right during pregnancy but still have (a child with) a birth difference.  So what does this mean? Well, if we look at things only through a rational lens, it makes no sense. It might even seem like a random mishap of sorts where you feel punished for something you don't understand.

In fact it is not uncommon for family members and the person born with a birth difference to feel spiritually abandoned. This is when for many people, they might lose hope or faith.  Birth differences can be grouped together with other 'seemingly random' events or circumstances in which 'bad things happen to good people.' 

Personally, I think this also has largely to do with how we view birth differences, and use the word 'defect' and 'disorder.'  With these words, of course we are going to consider them negative. It's a genetic mutation, there's something wrong with my genes!  We might even generalise this further to say, "there's something wrong with me."  But what if you realised that the birth difference was part of something much larger and more meaningful?

As someone who has lived with a rare birth difference, I have an embodied understanding that each birth difference has so much wisdom and love to share with you, that it is awe-inspiring. The suffering is not random and it is not meaningless. It is meant for us to work through. 

I offer private, online sessions, self-paced learning, and group sessions to help you repair 'birth differences' trauma, which is also collective trauma, as an individual or as a family, and reignite your sacred spark of vitality, so that your true magnificence begins to shine through.  

Angel S. Buster, MA, MSc

I am the founder of The Nested Womb, a conscious education community with four interrelated goals:

1) entering into dialogue with today's leadership and businesses to co-create a more eco-embodied dialogical approach to our global challenges 
2) offering hands-on learning in permaculture,  agroforestry, and indigenous wisdom at our centre in Dordogne, France 
3) raising awareness of the origins of our collective trauma and how its 'disembodied' state is continuously being reinforced in society and; 
4) helping repair and restore the connection to each other and our hearts through a variety of programs, community events, and workshops    

I was born with Bladder Exstrophy Epispadias Complex, a rare congenital disorder (1 in 100,000) in which the bladder is born outside of the body, and sex is ambiguous.  Through my own healing journey, I have arrived (and am still arriving!) at an embodied understanding of both its scientific and spiritual perspectives which has allowed me to understand the underlying factors in the formation of birth differences.  My background as a leadership author, speaker, and consultant, a creative entrepreneur, trauma therapist, and prenatal and perinatal psychology educator, has allowed me to weave together a variety of perspectives and to develop an integral vision for societal transformation, which must be seen as a mirror of our inner transformation.  

I am a somatically trained psychotherapist, existential psychologist, Co-Active coach at PCC level ICF, an Imago Therapist,  Integrative Baby Therapist, former Deloitte Human Capital leadership consultant, author of numerous articles and book chapters, with two upcoming books: Understanding Dialogical Leadership, Conscious Conversations for Navigating Complexity (co-authored with Rens van Loon) and The Nested Womb, a sacred ecology of how life forms and thrives.  
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Birth differences are collective memories and symbols manifested into physical form. They remind us what we have tried to ignore or have forgotten. They are opportunities to bring the unconscious to light.
angel buster

Repairing our collective trauma through

We offer somatically oriented awareness groups for those seeking community, and healing of unhealthy relational patterns (self-other-society). Through an eco-spiritual-psychological-evolutionary lens I support you to soulfully repair trans-generational trauma and restore wholeness.
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Programs for conscious parenting

We offer many self-led and guided programs to help you psychologically and soulfully prepare for becoming a parent. 
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"Birth differences are not accidents. They are symbolic communication from the realms of the soul."
an  evolutionary framework for conscious transformation

The Nested Womb Program

15.30 - 20.00 CET Amsterdam
July 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th

Download The Nested Womb program overview

Why should you join The Nested Womb program? 

  • Learn to work with prenatal and perinatal trauma using various approaches, such as 5 elements theory, Polyvagal techniques, and specific NeuroAffective skills
  • Learn to work with clients in a truly relational way so that you are equal partners in spiritual development
  • Learn a new language for working with any kind of birth difference, which helps you to raise consciousness in your client
  • Learn to look at every symptom or 'challenge' that your clients are facing from a higher vibrational level, as evolutionary, transgenerational, and collective in nature
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Who we truly are as human beings is invisible to the naked eye, yet accessible with our deeper knowing.

We are each capable of resourcing our wholeness. 

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The Nested Womb community of learners are encouraged to be who they truly are - without hiding, without fixing, or without changing. Feel inspired to reclaim your sacred vitality and stop giving your power away to others.  Together, let's transform darkness into light.

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